Jobs in New York – How much do pharmacists in Indonesia earn? This question often arises, especially among pharmacy students and vocational school students planning to pursue a career as pharmacists. This profession is part of the medical field, focusing on medications.
Curious about pharmacist salaries in Indonesia and abroad? Pharmacist salaries vary depending on where they work. To answer this question, we’ll explore pharmacist salaries from Indonesia to around the world, so read carefully!
Pharmacists usually work in pharmacies, either by opening their own or working at established pharmacies. While commonly associated with pharmacies, pharmacists can also work in pharmaceutical or cosmetics companies. This is supported by their knowledge of health and chemistry.
Pharmacist Duties According to Government Regulations
In Indonesia, the duties of hospital pharmacists are regulated in Article 15, paragraph 1, of the Minister of Health Decree No. 1332/Menkes/SK/X/2002. According to the regulation, a pharmacist’s role is to provide prescription services according to professional expertise and responsibility for the public’s benefit.
Hospital pharmacists are responsible for providing medication as prescribed by doctors and ensuring that the medication is safe for patients. Therefore, pharmacists must be proficient in pharmacy and chemistry to prepare medications accurately and effectively.
Pharmacist Salaries in Indonesia
Pharmacists in Indonesia must possess a Pharmacist Registration Certificate (STRA) and a Pharmacist Practice License (SIPA) to work legally. Pharmacist income in Indonesia varies according to skill and education levels. Here, we provide some insights.
Pharmacy graduates who have obtained the Professional Competency Certification for Pharmacists (SKPA) can earn between IDR 4,000,000 and IDR 6,000,000. If the pharmacist is a single civil servant at level IIIB, their estimated salary would be around IDR 3,300,000.
In addition to pharmacy graduates, vocational school graduates can become assistant pharmacists. Their income usually follows the Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) of the respective area. However, this income can increase if assistant pharmacists obtain additional certifications or further their education in fields related to their Jobs in New York .